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Page Revision: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 14:07

Setup Options & Definitions

ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed.

AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used.

AMSBUNDLESET2 - Option to change layout of AMSBUNDLE user fields. Change layout of user fields to match new format (Pass Customer PO# to Eclipse in the User1 field, and pass the Job# to Eclipse).

AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question.

AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file.

AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile.

AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically create a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved.


BLANKESTDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set.

BLANKREQDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set.

CALCDRIVETIME - Automatically calculates driving distance from the Sales Order warehouse to the Ship To address per driving directions from Yahoo. Enabling this option will slow down order entry for new Ship To locations.

CCAPPROVE - Option to not block save of SO if using approvals.

CHECKPACKQTY - Check entered qty vs system packqty. It Qty isnt a multiple, round to nearest multiple and notify user.


CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production.

COILPROD - If set, coils must have color and gauge filled out in profile table. PWOs are grouped by GAUGE and COLOR.


DEPTPROD - Add new logic to S2P to break up PWO by Gauge/Color. Process logic by department based on log4 flag.


DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order.

EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order.


FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order.

ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled.

INCFREIGHT - Display Freight as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice.

INCPACKING - Display Packing as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice.

ITEMEXACT - Displays item in item master when an exact match is entered, regardless if there are other items that may be a partial match.

ITEMMULTINOTE - Change note screen to have 5 notes (SO, RFQ, PO, PWO and Inv)

LOCKCOSTONSHIP - If enabled, cost cannot be changed from screen, or via BOM change once line has been shipped (qtyshp<>0). Add logic to PO screen to respect Lock Flag, if set and SO line has been shipped, do not push cost back to SO.

LOTBYMSN - Auto-assigns the associated Project# on the purchase order as the LOT# during PO receipt.


MSNAUTOTASK - Automatically creates a default phase and task when a new project is created.

MSNNEWDATELOGIC - If set, show the new ship datee and PWO due date fields on phases.


NEWCOUNTYMBM - Change logic to use only ZIPMBMA table. Add missing fields to ZIPMBMA table. NEWCOUNTYMBM CID option turns on.

NEWITEMLOOKUP - If set, display first 500 items by item order if ? used in description field.


NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID.


NEWSEADD - Newer logic for pulling the correct shipping event screen (SEADD2), will be auto for new customers "2015".

NEWSHIP - Newer shipping logic for shipping event screen, will be auto added for new customers 2015

NEWSHIPEVENT - Sales Orders are linked to Shipping Events, but SO lines are not linked until truck is loaded.


NOBUYOUTSHEET - Option to allow skipping of Buyout sheet question


OACCMGR - The account manager on the Sales Order may be changed.

PFORCED - Requires a project to be linked to a sales order before it can be submitted to production.

PORECUPSOCOST - Automatically updates the Sales Order line item cost for SO line items that are linked to PO lines (based upon cost on PO).

PORECUPSODESC - Automatically updates the Sales Order description for SO line items that are linked to PO lines (based upon item description on PO).

POREQTODAY - Sets the Req Date on a PO to today's date. The default is today plus three days.


PWOCLOSEUNUSED - If set, then close PWOs without any material assigned when closing linked Sales Order.

PWODDREQ - Will use Header ReqDate as the source for the PWO duedate calculations (system will still use existing rule setup, but will use ReqDate as the base not Load Date).


PWONOPRINTRESET - Option to stop resetting PWO printed flag on RevNumer Change of SO.

PWOONLYONE - If set, then production from a SO will be put on one PWO.

PWORCODEAONTASK - If set, then answer of A rcode question from SOC for item starting route is added to start of task. Example: If Team A is the ans to question with RCode of A, the task will be Team A: Rest of Task.

PWOSELECTSM - If enabled, single or multi status is pulled from PWOFORMS rule (log1 = Single, Log2 = Multi).

PWOSETBUNDLE - Create new screen to allow splitting AMS lines by bundle. Allow auto split on Line#, PMark, Item and Profile. Allow manual split and combine as wanted. Check for bundles over pcs count and lbs count on save. Check for unbundled/over bundled items.

PWOSOORDER - Orders the Production Work Order form in the same order as the Sales Order. Default logic will sort the PWO by item code and then by length descending.

PWOTASKDESC - Option to change task descrip to first 50 characters of item description of first line on the PWO (Last 10 chars is same logic from PWOQTYONTASK).


REQSHIPVIASO - Require ShipVia on Sales Order before continuing to Line Items.

RESETAPPR1 - If set then approvals are not reset unless terms or ordamt changes.

ROUNDPRICE1 - If unit price >25, and price is list price based, then round price up to next dollar. Change SO screen to round price up to next dollar if ROUNDPRICE1 CID option is set, and price is based on ListPrice.

S2PBYPHASE - Changes S2P to make due dates from from linked phases, also splits PWOs by phase and department.


S2PDISPLAYPWO - Skips "Print Production Work Orders?" question and automatically displays the Production Work Order screen(s). If cid option is set, launch PWO screen for each PWO instead of bringing up print screen.


SELLUNITPRICING - If set, then use the selling unit as the input to the price lookup from the pricing tables and the contract price tables. If not set, then use the selling price unit.

SERIALBYWHSE - Change S2P logic to generate serial numbers from different counters based on plant if CID option SERIALBYWHSE is enabled.

SHOWCUSTABC - Display the Customer ABC Code on the Quote and Sales Order header. Display the codes next to customer name on both screens.

SHOWCUSTCAT - When enabled, will display customer type under the billto section of the Sales Order screen (CustCategories exist for billto, soldto and shipto. These are checked in order, the last one filled out will be displayed under billto).

SHOWCUSTPRICE - Displays customer's price on item lookup instead of List Price. Price shown in the list box is actual price setup in contract or pricing matrix.

SHOWWARNING - Automatically displays any warning notes attached to the organization when entering SO/PO/TASK/etc.

SINGLEBAG - Single Inventory Package in System

SINGLEPWO - One Production Work Order per Line Item on SO.

SKIPAUTONUMBER - If enabled and SO/PO number is blank, autonumber is ran without prompt.

SKIPQTYCHKSO - Bypasses the Quantity Check pop

SMARTCOMM - If SMARTCOMM option set, don't check Product and Machine, but do check Machine Name and Profile. Hide un-needed fields.

SMARTCOMPANY - If set, the first variable in the job line is the company name instead of the order.


SOADDOHF - Option that will auto-add missing OHF record. If enabled, stk item does not need to setup in the currnt OHF to be used. Will be added by system.

SOALLOCATEFULL - If set, allocate whole lot qty when checked on SO.

SOASKPRODQTY - Allows user to change production quantities when submitting a sales order to production.

SOAUTO - Will make SO Printing default to SOAUTO- attribute.

SOAUTOCLOSE - If enabled, and no open lines, SO will be closed, else it will be left open.

SOAUTOCLOSE2 - Will check each linked sales order for open lines, if none found, the SO will be closed, if some found, the count will be displayed, and the user will be asked if they want to close the sales order.

SOAUTOPRINTPACK - If set, then change tool tip on S2P button to "Submit to Plant", also launch Print SO screen in Packing list mode after generation of PWOs.

SOBASECOSTL - If enabled, show a new basecostL field in place of the normal cost field in edit mode. (Field is always readonly since basecostL cannot be changed once the line is saved.) If option is enabled, use basecostL value in Line margin calc.

SOBLOCKBOMS2P - If set, do not allow SOs with BOM in the number to go to production (WO Transfer screen will not allow transfer of items that have gone to production, so if the S2P before transfer, they cannot be transferfed later)

SOCFIXEDPRICE - The controlling quantity price adjustment is set to the customer's contract price. Other configuration options do not affect the price.


SOCHECKCOD - CID option to check to ensure COD amount is filled out if terms are COD.

SOCHECKCUSTPO - If set, check for duplicate Customer PO on header check. Warn if found.

SOCHECKPOSEC - If enabled, checks for PO,ADD security before enabling the GenPO button on SO Screen.

SOCHECKSTOCK - If set, check to see if items can be produced based on existing inventory and qtyord production. Fill out new columns in S2P and SetBundle Screens. Warn on submit if items cannot be made. Create PWOCM-XX-YYYY event (xx = dept, yyyy = whse name)

SOCHECKTAXRATE - Option to SO to check for tax rate not matching current tax rate. Display message box if different.

SOCHECKWT - If enabled and line has unitw2 =0 and a SOC question with RCode = W, then stop S2P and notify user.

SOCHIDECONFIG - Change itemswap logic to ignore the question matchup if SOCHIDECONFIG is on.

SOCOSTADJ - If set, use COSTADJ data from SOC to build basecost for Config Type items.

SOCPQUICK - The price field on the Quick Line Item Entry tab of the Sales Order may be edited when entering line items.

SOCUTCHARGE - Calc cut charge for sales order lines, and add new line to SO. Create setup screen to control logic used to generate cut charge. SOCUTCHARGE setup option enables logic. Add to RFQ screen also.


SODEFCERTS - Options (SODEFCERTS and SODEFMTRS) to default the matching checkbox to checked on new order.

SODEFMTRS - Options (SODEFCERTS and SODEFMTRS) to default the matching checkbox to checked on new order.

SODEFPACKING - Defaults the Sales Order print screen to the Packing List option.

SOFORCECOD - Will force COD amount to match OrderAmt if COD terms are set.

SOFRTCHARGE - Calc Frt Charge line based on line items on SO, add new line to SO; Change logic to use Rule to setup charges. Rule supplies item, price (optional), and FT or LBS flag. Rule setup is:

  • text1 = item

  • num1 = price (if filled out, else comes from getprice)

  • log1 = LBS flag

  • log2 = FT flag

  • log3 = Qty = 1 flag

Item needs to exist, LBS or FT flag needs to be set. If QTy = 1 set, line will have qty = 1, otherwise qty will be the total lbs or ft. Setup option SOFRTCHARGE enables logic.

SOHIDECONFIG - If enabled, the SOC box does not popup (items are treated like they do not have configs).

SOHIDEGM - Hides the Gross Margin field on the Sales Order.

SOHIDEPICK - Remove Pick button from SO screen.

SOHIDEPRICEADJ - Hides the Price Adjustment of each configuration on the Item Configuration screen.

SOITEMBOXSKIP - Skips the List/Add/Re

SOITEMEXACT - An exact match on item lookup will always pull up the item, even if there are other possible matches.

SOLABELDIFF - If set, allow the use of SO type template labels from PrintSO Label screen.

SOLABELMANY - Label counts default to quantity ordered on Print SO Labels screen. Defaults to 1 if not set.

SOLABELQTY - If set show extra column to have qty to print on label. Change the Print SO Label screen to add a column for OPEN item quantities.

SOLABELQTY2 - Option to keep new qty on label qty, but default to qtyorder instead of qtyopen. See Setup Options Wiki for more details.

SOLCODEREQONTIMEENTRY - Requires a solution code on time entry.

SOLDTOREQAM - Require an Account Manager on the Soldto screen.

SOLDTOREQSP - Require a Salesperson on the Soldto screen.

SOLDTOUPDATEAM - If set, the AM on linked SO and invoices are updated when the Soldto AM is changed. Only items with linked Shipto AM set to blank are updated. Shipto AM takes priority if set.

SOLDTOZONE - When enabled, Zone is pulled from the SoldTo (District) record rather than the ShipTo (Location) in the Task Entry screen, Reinspection screen, tapping screen, and the Work Order Generator.

SOLINELOADDATE - if set, and SOREQLOADDATE is set, then blank line item Load Dates will be updated with Header Load Date. Occurs on save of sales order and RFQ.

SOLOCKAM - Option to lock Account Manager in by organization attribute and not by the user.

SOLOCKCOST - If enabled, the cost field is always disabled.

SOLOCKCOSTPWO - Lock the SO line item cost field from being edited by a user after corresponding line has been assembled in production (partial or full assembly). Option to lock cost field on non-stock production items once qtyassem<>0.

SOLOCKDOLSHIP - If set, line cannot be edited if dollar shipped. Change logic to prevent delete of dollar shipped line in all cases.

SOLOCKPRICECHK - Defaults the Lock Price button on SO line entry.

SOLOCKSP - Option to lock Sales Person in by organization attribute and not by the user.


SOMULTIWHSEALERT - SO lines that are shipping from a warehouse different than the SO Header warehouse will be highlighted in yellow.

SOMUSTSAVEHEADER - Forces the SO Header to be saved before continuing on to the Line Items tab.

SONEXT - Add button to SO screen to allow generation of order with next items in chain. Next item is saved on itemmaster screen on Alt Description tab. Logic will copy sales order, change SO type (based on sonexttype rule) and swap out items with next item.



SONOCOPYASSETTAG - If set, then don't copy AcctMgr from shipto, and revert back to soldto acct manager.

SONODUPPO - If set, and SOCHECKCUSTPO set, then when duplicate CustPO found, order cannot be saved.

SONOEXACT - Only accepts an exact match of the Sales Order number on the SO Shipping screen.

SONOLISTZERO - Option to not allow line save if list price is zero and item is in PriceGroup = NETSTEEL.

SONOPRICENAG - Disables the Price Nag window on the Sales Order.

SONOQUICK - Disables the Quick Line Item Entry tab on the Sales Order.

SONOTEMPLATE - If set, the template box is disabled.



SOPACKPICK - Will show a grid before printing the packing list to allow the user to select the lines to print, and the qty to print (qtyopen)

SOPLISTDCODE - Will sort Packing Lists for Component orders in Dept code order instead of dept name order. Make same change in PDF Maker.

SOPOBOMNOTE - If set, include BOM line inote in PO line note for generated items.

SOPRINTCHNGORD - Will call the changeorder screen from the print button on sor3 and pass the project number and SO number when num2 of the SOTYPE rule is equal to 1.

SOPRINTCOA - Add button to PrintSO screen to print COAs for selected SOs based on allocated lots.

SOPRINTLOTQTY - If set add the qty into the lotalloc field LOT# (QTY).

SOPRINTMERGE - Merge the line items from the entered sales order range into a single sales order for printing (the first SO is used as the master). Merge runs when Merge Checkbox is checked, and setup option checks box.

SOPWOCHGDDATE - Changes the Due Date on the Production Work Order according to the Load Date on the Sales Order.

SOREQLOADDATE - If set, load date is required before header save (estdate)

SOREQPO - Requires a PO# to be entered for every sales order.

SOREQREQDATE - Option to require REQdate before save of SO, and Convert of RFQ.

SOREQSALESTEAM - Requires the Sales Team attribute be filled out for the Customer/Order Type of the SO.

SOREQSE - Shipping Event required on Sales Order. (Shipping Event is always required if multi

SOREQSHIPADDR - Ship To address on Sales Order header must have Address, City, State, and Zip Code.

SOREQTAXTABLE - Ship To address on Sales Order must have a valid tax table.

SORESETDROPSHIP - If set the dropship flag will reset to no on each line item.

SORESETLINECHK - If set, overrides the default behavior of the Hide Line and Hide Price flags in the Sales Order screen by clearing the flags on each new line entry. (Use option RFQRESETLINECHK for the Sales Order screen).

SORESETSOCCOST - If set, then use basecost if >0, or lstcost2 from itemdet as source of cost data for configurable items with controlling qtys. Basecost should be set in selling units in this case.




SOSAVENOTE - If set, the contents of all the notes (Sales Order) boxes will be saved to a text file every 5 seconds when the notes are being edited. Txt files are saved in the TmpSONote folder, with SO-CID if so has number, else is UserID-CID-DateStamp.

SOSEPICK - If set, disable pick button on SO screen to force use of pick button on SE screen. If not set, disable pick button on SE screen.


SOSETSP - Default User in Salesperson drop

SOSETSPBLANK - If set, and soldto and shipto SP are blank, and current user is a SP, use current user as SP.



SOSHOWCPU - Adds a checkbox to the SO screen for "Customer Pick Up". If checked, used tax table from the warehouse on the SO instead of the Ship to.

SOSHOWLASTREV - Uses "last revision" logic on sales order.



SOSHOWSIMPREV - Uses Simple Revision logic on sales order (most popular option).


SOSINGLESHIPTO - Automatically updates all lines on sales order with Ship To entered on header.

SOSKIPDSQ - Drop ship box disabled on quick add tab if selected.

SOSTARTADD - Starts the Sales Order screen in Add mode.

SOSWAPITEM - Add item swap capability to quote screen. Apply SOSWAPITEM setup logic to the RFQ screen.

SOSWAPPRICE - Swap location of sell pricing unit and selling price. Update selling price if selling price unit is changed. Use selling price unit as unit when calcuating selling price using getprice logic.

SOUPDATEPOQTY - When updating the SO of non-stock items tied to a PO, the PO quanitities need to reflect the changes automatically.

SOVOIDPOCHK - If set and SO has linked POS, do not allow void.

SPWOBYLINENO - If set, and SINGLEPWO is enabled, PWO will have SONO-Linenumber as WONO.

SUBSTKCHK - Check for sub assembly inventory on hand before making PWOs for new ones. If there is not enough inventory, create sub-PWO for quantity needed to fulfill the job.


TAXFREIGHTSTATE - Change SO screen to look at state rule to set taxable flag on FRT type items (log4)

TAXOVERLAYALL - Change logic to allow other states to use overlays. Put tax cap percent in state rule. If whse has overlay, and shipto in same state, overlay will be used.

TAXRETAINAGE - If set then base retainage on the total amount (including tax), instead of the net amount.

TAXTABLES - Sales Tax Tables are used and tax rate field on Ship To screen is disabled, tax table must be used in order to obtain a tax rate.


USECC - Use credit card processing screens if installed.

XAUPLOAD - Read Process runs as part of FoxProcess.

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