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General Description

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Item Control >> Transfers & Adjustments

Screen Name ITEMXFER

Function The Transfer and Adjustment screens allow users to change incoming and on-hand inventory by:

  • Location- Transfer inventory between warehouses

  • Quantity- Adjust inventory to match physical counts

  • Cost- Change current stock and weight unit values

Transfer Tab

The Transfer tab is used to transfer stock inventory items from one warehouse to another.



Source Whse: The warehouse the items originated from.

Target Whse: The warehouse the items are going to.

Owner: The owner of the transferred items.

Held For: The organization the items are held for.

Item: The code of the item being transferred.

This field can also be searched by entering a semicolon and the P-Number (tracking number). For example, if the tracking number is P12345, enter ;P12345 in the Item field and the system will populate the Item, Serial/Lot, etc that corresponds to that p-number.

Desc: The description of the item being transferred.

Adjustment Qty: The quantity of the item being transferred.

Lot/Serial#: The lot # or serial # of the item being transferred. You may only transfer one lot or serial controlled item at a time.

Adjustment Tab

The Adjustment tab is used to manually adjust inventory levels in a warehouse. This tab is useful after doing physical inventory counts and when first configuring the system.



Source Whse: The warehouse the items are being adjusted in.

Owner: The inventory owner of the item.

Held For: The entity the item is held for.

Item: The code of the item being adjusted.

This field can also be searched by entering a semicolon and the P-Number (tracking number). For example, if the tracking number is P12345, enter ;P12345 in the Item field and the system will populate the Item, Serial/Lot, etc that corresponds to that p-number.

Desc: The description of the item being adjusted.

Qty: The quantity being adjusted. Use a negative sign when negatively adjusting inventory levels.

Qty on Hand: The current quantity on hand of the item and warehouse selected.

Unit Avg Cost: The average cost of the item selected in the warehouse selected.

Lot/Serial#: The lot # or serial # of the item being adjusted. Only one lot or serial controlled item may be adjusted at a time.

Department: The department responsible for the adjustment.

New: Check this box if the lot controlled or serialized item is new. This is only for positive adjustments. Positive inventory adjustments will update the item's average cost.

Serial/Lot Change Tab

The Serial/Lot Change tab is used to change the lot or serial number of a previously received item.

Enter the Package Tracking #. This number can be found in the Item Master on the Lot# (or Serial# if serialized) tab under the PackID column. Each lot controlled/serialized item has its own tracking number.

Enter the new Lot/Serial# in the last field and click Change.


Serial/Lot Cost Change Tab

The Serial/Lot Cost Change screen allows users to change pricing information.


If you select Direct Cost Only, only the serial/lot cost change will be made. Average cost is not updated and no journal entry is created. Select Average/Tier Cost to update average cost, the SI Cost Tier, and make a journal entry for the change.


Item: Item code

Serial/Lot: Serial number or Lot

Stk Unit: How stocks are measured

Current Qty: Current quantity

CW Unit: Catch Weight Unit

CW Qty: Catch Weight Quantity

Value: Value of the merchandise

Value Per StkUnit: Value per stock unit

Value Per CWUnit: Value per catch weight unit

Offset Account: Allows designating and offset GL account to be used for the adjusting journal entry.

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