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Page Revision: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 17:51

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Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Purchase and Sales Orders >> Sales Order Import

Sales Order Import

General Description

The Sales Order Import screen allows you to import external Sales Order files into Adjutant.

There is a Header and Detail (line items) file. Both files are imported at the same time.

Sample Import Files

Header Import File

Detail Import File

SO Header Import Template Help

SoNo - Sales Order number.

Custno - Organization ID of the customer (Sold To).

BillTo - Organization ID of the customer's billing address.

ShipTo - Organization ID of the customer's shipping address.

SODate - Sales Order date.

EstDate - Load Date.

ReqDate - Requested/Required Date. Must be formatted as a date in XX/YY/ZZ format where X is the month, Y is the day, and Z is the year.

SOType - Sales Order Type. Must match a code in the SOTYPE rule. Use 'S' or leave blank if in doubt.

TaxTable - No longer used, please ignore.

Orderno - A reference order number. Plain text field, 20 character max.

Owner - The Organization ID of the Inventory Owner. This is most likely the Org ID of your company.

Freight - Freight payment terms. This must match a value in the FREIGHT rule.

Terms - PO payment terms. This must match a value in the TERMS rule.

Tax Rate - Sales tax rate.

Heldfor - The holder of the inventory. Leave this blank if unsure or use the same value that you entered for Owner.

POnum - Customer PO Number. Plain text field, 30 character max.

AcctMgr - Account Manager. This must match the full name of a contact with the Account Manager attribute.

Sp - Salesperson. This must match the full name of a contact with the Salesperson attribute.

FOB - FOB terms. This must match a value in the FOB rule.

ShipVia - Shipping method. This must match a value in the SHIPVIA rule.

ShipWhse - Warehouse name. This must match a warehouse name that has been set up in the Warehouses screen.

SO Detail Import Template Help

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