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Page Revision: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 14:31

Default Menu Location

Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> PO/SO/Projects >> Purchase Order Import

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General Description

The Purchase Order Import screen allows users to import external Purchase Order files into Adjutant.

There is a Header and Details (line items) file. Both files are imported at the same time.

Sample Import Files

Import Template Help - Header File

PoNo - Purchase Order number.

RemitTo - Organization ID of the Remit To company.

Vendno - Organization ID of the Vendor (Sold From).

Orderno - A reference order number. Purchase Orders can be searched by this number on the Purchase Order screen.

Owner - The Organization ID of the Inventory Owner. This is most likely the Org ID of your company.

PODate - Purchase Order date.

ReqDate - Required Date of the PO. This date flows through to the line items as a default date.

Freight - Freight payment terms. This must match a value in the FREIGHT rule.

Terms - PO payment terms. This must match a value in the TERMS rule.

TaxRate - Sales tax rate that applies to the PO (typically 0).

POType - Type of PO. This must match a one-character code in the POTYPE rule. If in doubt, use 'P' for purchase orders and 'R' for vendor returns.

Heldfor - The holder of the inventory. Leave this blank if unsure or use the same value that you entered for Owner.

ConfirmTo - PO Confimation person. Plain text field up to 50 characters.

Remarks - PO remarks field. Plain text field up to 50 characters.

Buyer -Person making the purchase. This must match the full name of a contact with the Buyer attribute.

FOB - FOB terms. This must match a value in the FOB rule.

ShipVia - Shipping method. This must match a value in the SHIPVIA rule.

ShipTo - Only use this field if the PO is being drop-shipped to a customer location. Organization ID of the Ship To.

RecLoct - Warehouse name. This must match a warehouse name that has been set up in the Warehouses screen.

Import Template Help - Details File

PoNo - Purchase Order number.

LineNum - Line number.

Item - Item code. This must match an item code in the Item Master.

Descrip - Description of the item.

QtyOrd - Quantity ordered.

QtyRec - Quantity received.

Cost - Unit cost of the line item.

extcost - Extended cost of the line item.

exttax - Extended sales tax of the line item.

heldfor - The holder of the inventory. Leave this blank if unsure.

recloct - Warehouse the line item was/will be received into.

reqdate - Required Date of the line item.

estdate - Estimated Receipt Date of the line item.

unitfact - Unit factor between the unit and pricing unit. This is normally 1, but could be different if the purchase unit and pricing unit are different.

unit - Purchase unit of measure of the line item. This must match a value in the UNIT rule.

taxable - Taxable status of line item. Use 'n' for not taxable and 'y' for taxable.

Owner - The Organization ID of the Inventory Owner. This is most likely the Org ID of your company.

scost - Cost per pricing unit.

spriceunit - Pricing unit of measure. This must match a value in the UNIT rule.

postatus - Current status of the line item. Use 'o' for open, 'c' for closed, and 'v' for voided.

vpart - Vendor part number.

notes - Line Item notes.

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