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Setup Options & Definitions

ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed.

ADJGL - Adjutant General Ledger module is installed.

AP20CHKNO - Create new check number and manual check number fields in apchkacct table (16 characters). Use as check number fields if AP20CHKNO setup option is enabled. Change screens to use 15 char numbers.

APAGEPOLIST - Add POs linked to AP Invoice to polist field in cursor. Only works in detail mode.

APAPRPPAYZERO - Makes 0 show up in grid.

APCHECK48 - Allows 48 invoices on a check without printing an overflow stub. To use, APCHKOVERFLOW rule must be setup

  • Text1 = Overflow message (lc_overflowmessage)

  • Num1 = Number of checks on stub (48)

  • log1 = Enabled (checked)

  • log2 = Print details.

  • If checked, and stub has >48 invocies, first 48 will print on stub, if not checked, stub will not have any details, just message.


APDUPREFNO - If set check for duplicate ref# (checkno) on apnoncheck payment screen. Warn if duplicate found

APEDITCTRLACCT - Allows edit of Control account.

APEDITDDD - Allows edit of due date and discount date.

APPAPPR - Sends email to all people with pending approvals. Runs every 30 mins, 6am to 7pm M-F.

APPREMAILDEL - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to decline in approval screen.

APPREMAILOK - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to approve in approval screen.

APREMITACCT - Create setup option APREMITACCT to get Ctrl and Def accounts from RemitTO vendor instead of master vendor. Update and clear buttons changed to update remitto vendor if option set.



APTOEXP - Add Billable Check box to AP Dist tab, create EXP material lines for lines marked as billable, and linked to projects. Use APTOEXP CID setup option to enable Billable Checkbox.

APTOSO - When the "billable" box is checked and the line is saved, pop up a window that allows the user to add the amount as a line item to a service order or sales order.


BACKUPALL - Control backup of VouchList folder. BackupALL backup files on each refresh)

BACKUPONE - Control backup of VouchList folder. Backup files when screen is loaded,don't backup after each reload

BANKRECDUMP - To save keyno, type and amount of all checks, cashrec and adjs once a day when bankrec is loaded. This data can be used to find the source of the floating book and bank balance issues.

BANKRECNEWBOOK - Option to switch between old and new book and bank logic (BANKRECNEWBOOK), default is old logic.


CHANGEDISCACCT - Enables pop-up window on AP Invoice and Cash Receipt screen to allow user to change default discount given/taken GL account.

DOCLINK - Documents in document vault are stored as links (paths on workstation or network) instead of embedded into SQL database.

DUMPLIST - Will dump out list of files in folder to z9... text file.

DVTSLOCAL - If set, the copy docvault files to c:\temp folder before loading in viewer.


NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID.

NOLOAD - Will change VOUCHLIST screen to not automaticlly display the first file in list.


POIGNORETAX - Ignores sales tax amount on purchase order receipts in regards to GL posting.

POSPLITTAX - Split tax out on itemact record if POSPLITTAX is enabled.

REMITTERMS - If set, terms come from remitto, not po during ap invoice generation using a PO.

TASKNEWSEQ - Uses the TASK counter in CID Maintenance instead of the SONO counter.



WHSEACCT - Change Whse screen to allow entry of accts for owners. Create new class to get correct accts from OHF/WhseAcct/CID. Add logic to PO Rec to GL block of super batch. Add code to all other Inv/WIP prcesses in Superbatch.

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